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More about the Fund

The Fund’s managing bodies are:

  • General Meeting (the supreme body)
  • Presidium (management) of the Fund (the executive body)
  • Director (administrative-executive body)

General Meeting
On behalf of Vysočina:

  • Zdeněk Kadlec – Chairman of the General Meeting
  • Miroslav Březina
  • Josef Nedvěd

On behalf of the Sub-Carpathian Ukraine Region:

  • Volodymyr Chubirko
  • Vasyl Jurijovych Samandrula
  • Vasyl Ivanovych Brenzovych

The General Meeting is the supreme body of the Fund.  The General Meeting is convened by the Presidium at least once a year.

On behalf of Vysočina:

  • Zdeněk Kadlec – Chairman of the Presidium
  • Miroslav Březina
  • Josef Nedvěd

On behalf of the Sub-Carpathian Ukraine Region:

  • Volodymyr Chubirko
  • Vasyl Jurijovych Samandrula
  • Vasyl Ivanovych Brenzovych

The executive body, which manages the fund’s work between General Meeting meetings, is the Presidium with its Chairman.
The Presidium Chairman answers for his work to the General Meeting and is personally responsible for the due execution of the tasks entrusted to him.
The Presidium Chairman may act on behalf the Fund without any special power of attorney and represent it in dealings with legal and natural persons, including state administrative bodies and local authorities.
The Presidium Chairman may make decisions on any issues that are not reserved to the General Meeting.

Vasyl Jurijovych Samandrula

The Director of the charitable fund is responsible for the fund’s activities to the fund Presidium and is overseen by the Presidium.

The ViZa Charitable Fund maintains separate and due accounts, which are subject to regular inspections.

Dobročinný fond ViZa, Náměstí Národa 4, 88008 Užhorod, Ukrajinská republika